Monday, July 19, 2010

Learning Twitter

So I’ve recently started using Twitter after having set it up well over a year ago.  I never really understood it, at least how it would work for me.  Since then Twitter has gotten HUGE. There have been some Twitter scandals involving professional athletes and lots of other happenings with celebrities and the like.

Back in early June I became aware that this years World Series of Poker was underway and as I scanned the poker news websites that I’m familiar with I found that most poker players that I am a fan of update twitter often.  So I dusted off my twitter and added Gavin Smith, Phil Ivey, Daniel Negreanu, Doyle Brunson, and a few others.  I set up Gavin to update my cell phone as well as  This became very useful.

I still have no clue how to use #hashtags and I don’t know how to figure out a way to see if anyone out there has sent me a message using @jdesab if they aren’t someone I’m currently following.  I also need to figure out what lists are.  For now, the people I’m following numbers right around 40. 

I’ve also come to believe that next time I’m in a project management position I’m going to use twitter to keep in touch with my techs. I’ve skimmed some articles in the past written on tech republic about the usefulness of Twitter, yet until getting my hands dirty with it I really Wasn’t seeing it.  You can keep track of several people from one page.  Of course telephone conversation is still necessary for complex issues or help, but managing a team can be easier if they are simply tweeting their status from time to time.  Also, if you know that your team has your tweets delivered to their phone, you can disseminate information to large (or small) groups very easily.  I also think it’s even more useful as a tool in upper management.  What better way to play the role of a fly on the wall and see what sort of info is being passed among your front line supervisors and their team. 

There’s even more interesting possibilities for twitter.  As we move into more and more internet capable gadgets and appliance we can set up twitter updates from the most interesting things.  My friend Hans has hooked up his toaster to tweet when it begins and finishes toasting.  You can follow it here  Hans has written an exceptionally interesting blog describing how he set his toaster up on twitter but also how this technology is a sign of things to come in the future.  I highly recommend taking a couple minutes and reading his blog. (click here)

I’m still learning and exploring but I really think this is a cool application. 

my twitter =



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